Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I check my guestbook once every two weeks so I can't reply right away. I promise to answer as soon as I can!

The owner of this guestbook has (temporarily) disabled adding new messages.

6:38pm 06-26-2009
hheelloo llliiiiissssssaaaaaa yooouurr bbboookkksssss rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Replied on: 6:01am 07-12-2009


5:05pm 06-21-2009
Bryanna Papcun
Hi Lisa, its Bryanna!!!! I love your website its poppin!!! say hi to sarah for me and if its possible i wannna be in a book hahahahahhahahahaha! well byeeeeee
Replied on: 6:02am 07-12-2009

So sorry I didn't reply sooner. Glad my website is poppin! Thanks!

7:07pm 06-12-2009
Danielle Paugh
You came to my school, Nellie Stokes a few weeks ago! I really loved learning about you and how you like to write books. If I learn some more writing skills I might consider writing my own book. Thankyou for sharing your authorazation skills with me. Your the BEST Lisa Mullarkey!
Yours Truly,
Danielle Tracy Paugh
Replied on: 6:04am 07-12-2009

Hi Danielle~

Thanks so much for this nice message. I apologize for not replying sooner. I loved visiting your school! I hope you DO write your own book! Have a great summer and get started on that book!

10:03pm 06-10-2009
will you put me in one of your books? brielle
Replied on: 6:06am 07-12-2009

You never know!! Maybe I'll be in one of yours?? Enjoy the summer!!

10:27am 06-04-2009
Dear Mrs. Mullarky,
i want to know if i can be in one of your books. you can call it Katharine's new friend. I have a recipe banana with whipped cream eyes the stick grapes on the eyes
next make a whipped cream mouth and put raisins on the mouth
call it happy banana.
Replied on: 6:07am 07-12-2009

Good idea! Yum...that banana dessert sounds tasty!

10:20am 06-04-2009
Dear Mrs. Mallarkey,
Thank you for coming to Holly Glen school. I have an idea for a new book, Kathren thinks she's perfect. What I liked best about the assembly is when you were telling Matthew
all these funny things. I liked when you were doing that because I like to laugh. I loved when you came. Maybe you can come again.
Replied on: 6:05am 07-12-2009

Hi Alexia~

Thanks for all the nice comments. I loved visiting your school and hope to be back soon. Are you enjoying your summer? Keep on reading and writing!

9:53am 06-04-2009
Dear, Mrs, Mullarkey,
Thank you for coming to our school.
I loved the assembly because you told me some facts about centipedes.
Replied on: 6:09am 07-12-2009

HI! Your schools rocks! Wasn't that centipede pic GROSS?

3:28pm 06-03-2009
Dear Mrs. Mullarkey,
Thank you for coming to Holly Glen School. Here's a recipe for a fruit smoothee for you. I hope you enjoy it! I like the assembly because i love books and am very good at reading. I read a lot!
Replied on: 6:09am 07-12-2009


What books are you reading this summer??

11:30am 06-03-2009
Dear Mrs. Mallarkey,
You were so awesome at the show May 28.I have some recipes and book titles for you . For the recipes we have a fruit popsicle you will need:any flavored popsicle,pieces of fruit like chopped bananas,apples,cherries,and nuts. A wonderful book title is The Tie Dye Team.The thing I loved about you coming to the assembly is your children's pig pictures because it was so funny.I would love to see you again.
Replied on: 6:10am 07-12-2009

Great ideas, Nia! Thanks for writing to me! (I love those pig pics, too!)

11:29am 06-03-2009
Dear Mrs. Mullarkey,
Thank you for coming to Holly Glen School. I loved how you came to our class room. I liked best about the assembly when you showed us the purple guts. It was awesome!!! You can use whipped cream with straw berries for your recipe. I hope you come back.
Replied on: 6:11am 07-12-2009


I hope to come back, too! Those purple guts were nasty, weren't they?? Enjoy the summer!

11:27am 06-03-2009
Dear Mrs. Mullarkey,
I enjoyed the book that you wri\ote. You are awesome.! I like your book. I am sorry tha you had a car accident.Thank you for coming to Holly Glen School.
Replied on: 6:12am 07-12-2009

Thanks for having me! I had a blast!

9:42am 06-03-2009
Dear Mrs. Mullarkey
Thank you for coming to Holly Glen. I had a great time to hear what you said. All of your books are the best to me! I loved the day you came to our school. I think you will make a really good dessert book. If your fear is cats, why is it on the spine and on the back of your book?
Replied on: 6:13am 07-12-2009

I was surpised to see a cat on teh book, too! That's the name of the imprint. I laughed when I saw it. You're very observant!

9:43pm 06-02-2009
hi, Mrs.Mullarkey jillian again. Did you ever think when you were a kid that you would grow and be an author one day?
What is it like being an author?Do you like being author?
Did you ever read Magic Tree House? I love it they are one of my favorite capter books? Do you no any books that are good for an 8 year old? Im looking for a good book for the summer.
have a good day!!!
Your Friend,
2nd Grade Holly Glen
Replied on: 6:14am 07-12-2009

HI Jillian~

I NEVER thought I'd be an author when I grew up!

For summer books:

Have you read Stink series? Gooney Bird Greene? Mallory series? Have fun!

4:39pm 06-02-2009
Hi I am Ainsley I love your books ,your next book is going to be boys and girls rule,thanks so much for coming to my school and my classroom and for telling us about what you do,i had a lot of fun Ainsley
Replied on: 6:14am 07-12-2009

I had a blast, too. Thanks!

10:53am 06-02-2009
lissa mullarky I wrote to my school but on your web site because I dont know how to contact them well thank you for the idvice it worked i thin by write back soon
Replied on: 6:15am 07-12-2009

Hi Gabby~

I hope they contacted you by now. I gave Mrs. Lloyd your email. Hugs!

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